Dialogue, text

K: What cute things have you found and brought home from work? 

W: (Willows walks and collects some small stuffed animals and brings to Kajsa.) I assume you wanna take pictures of them? I’ve been meaning to get round to, do you know when you repair things with gold, I really wanna fix this with gold. I really wanna fix this porcelain cat with that. 

K: It’s a cat! It’s very cute. 

W: And what else, sometimes art supplies, like these crayons I’ve found at work. This fleur de lis stencil i found at work. It was in it’s packaging, and I was like ”Yeah, I need that, that will come in handy”. Yeah, and all of these candle holders and I think maybe this one, and that one. That was in this room when I moved in, yeah and this, but everything else there I’ve found at work. All those danish books I’ve found, most of those ones are encyclopaedias about danish animals, and danish wild life. And a few of them are bird watching books. Cause I got the bird table now and it’s like ah, I can like identify things that land on my balcony. And it’s the two children’s books that I’m trying to read every ones in a while, Yeah, ok start small! Yeah, flower pots as well. I’ve got quit a few flower pots. That yellow one, that the orchid is in. 

K: Nah, That is really cute.

W: Yeah, I found that a couple of weeks ago.

K: Do you have a place where you put things that someone might want? 

W: No, it’s something I was saying to my boss actually being like. Because there’s two big pieces of wood that still have tiles on them that I want to try and get one off. But I’ve tried squeezing like a knife under it and each time I crack the tile and I need to try a different method, but I really wish there was just a corner in the tent where we could just put wood that is in good condition and other things that are just like if you want to make something. Cause that is the other things, when we do metal, like there is always so many screws knots and bolts, some of them really heave duty as well. We get a lot of really fine quality wood that just comes through and I really wish we saved this. Cause I have some of it outside my door, but I don’t own many tools to like make anything. So it’s kind of not useful right now. there is a lot of stuff that comes through that is just like I really wish we recycled that or just got to do something with that ourselves. But yeah, it’s probably supposed to be burnt anyway…Yeah I mean, the more i work there the more I wish that I’de spent, yeah getting more tools is something that is one my to do list. There is a lot of stuff that is like ”I really wanna make something with this”.

K: Yeah, but it’s very relevant for this project as I’m supposed to build something. It’s also interesting to think about what I could build with the materials that I can just find there, what do you think I can expect to find?

W: I mean the things that you definitively obviously find a lot of is when we do just more general sorting which is just all the things that people use all the times, so it’s like all plastic, metal, paper, cardboard recycling. Food waste, random electrics, like light bulbs and things like that and…

K: Its also this thing like, this exhibition will last for several months outside in the summer, so it’s also, yeah, I don’t know, I need to figure out, something that is relatively…

W: So it’s not gonna be made out of food

K: No, 

W: That is probably good, 

K: Or I guess, if I just leave lots of food it’s going to affect the soil, 

W: Yeah, I mean it’s just gonna attract a lot of rats really.

W: Now, when we got a bigger tent at work, like sometimes we’ll move something and a rat will just run out from it. Everyone’s like euw. I’m also like euw, but i’m also like aaaw hahaha. I tried to feed one of them once and everyone was like NOOOO. They saw one run across the edge of the room and I just went and put a bit of bread there. And everyone was just like noo, don’t do that. It’s like why, I wanna see the rat. 

K: Yeah they are cute, even though I guess it’s not hygienic to have them around. 

W: Yeah, I know, but I’m not gonna like rub it on the face. I’m not gonna touch it, I just wanna see it… I’m trying to think about what is more interesting, like, In the kind of everyday stuff, I guess it is things more like , yeah it is weird how many like flower pots that you find. There is a lot of ceramic stuff, that is thrown out. If I was more on it with having a system of bringing things home and disinfecting them, I would probably never have to buy a knife or fork or a spoon or a sauce pan ever again. 

K: Nah lots of household, like kitchen utensils.

W: Yeah, and sometimes they are in great condition.

K: Do you have any memories from certain days, or things that happened?

W: I mean lots, but a lot of them are more like just personally having a bad day. There are actually a few that are quit good. When I found the false teeth, that was quit memorable. But I think the most memorable thing that’s happened is…

K: How did you find the false teeth?

W: I mean they literally just turned up, and it was kind of just like Euuw and then aaah, it’s kind of cool and then I put them somewhere and they just spent month hanging around. But more interestingly, me and my boss, like I was kind of having a mental break down one day, which has happened many times at work, and me and my boss was kind of having a bit of a heart to heart and then we noticed this seagull ehm, that had a fishing wire, fishing hook through it’s beak and we kind of just both stopped what we were doing as like I’m gonna like go behind it and trap it, and yeah so I like went, because it was picking at a trash bag in a skip, so I went behind it and the skip and kind of grabbed it’s wings and my boss like wiggled the hooks out, and it was just kind of like aah, we made a difference.

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